16 January 2021

7pdr mountain gun and Mahdist crews

I was browsing North Star’s web site over Christmas and noticed their ‘arsenal’, a small range of guns with and without crews. While Perry Miniatures’s Sudan range features Krupp field guns with Egyptian crews in chains, I wanted to model a battery of mountain guns, likely captured when the Hicks Pash Obeid relief expedition was defeated.

I have repurposed plastic and metal figures, the latter from the crouching warriors code (SA11). One fellow directs another hurrying with a sponge and bucket, another crouches with shot, one crouches with a sponge, another crouches clutching a ramrod. The last is firing one of the guns. I twisted a lanyard for the friction fuse from 34 gauge beading wire, and I’ll adjust the length and attitude when I base the gun and figures.

The gun crews and one of the tiny 7pdr mountain guns, additional figures not yet primed. Medical Staff Corps figures in the background.

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