21 January 2021

Magnificent beasts

While I don’t intend to document every small step of progress, this week I have managed to get some day-by-day momentum into the project, so this post is recognition of that.

In addition it’s a long time since I painted camels. The last were for my first century Imperial Roman army [link], Warlord Games’ rendering of EBob’s camels. The Perry Miniatures’ camels are rather more muscular, and I have a sense they will paint up rather well. I also sense I will end up with quite a lot of camels, since both sides deployed them.

I made some progress with the tiny 7pds and their Hadendoa crews too. Base coating seems to be a sensible antidote to a working day which involves very detailed work in the main.

Half the camels and Melton Prior’s horse have been base coated. It’s a long time since I panted camels – summer of 2011 in fact.

More progress with the Mahdist 7pdrs and crews. I plan to finish these and the riflemen at the same time.

Auxilia Dromedarri … I must finish my Romans …

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