13 January 2021

More Beja, and mud brick houses

I had a bit of time over the last two days to make some progress with my project, so I decided to get stuck in to the plastic Ansar.

I have three boxes of Perry Miniatures’ plastic Mahdist warriors, and assembly looked like a daunting task. Nevertheless, once underway I discovered pleasure in scanning the sprues for likely head, arm, and weapon options, and satisfaction as each unique figure emerged while the liquid cement dried.

The next Beja band, armed with swords and spears. Some will have shields added once the figure has been painted.
One of the joys of the plastic sets is the alternatives which are possible. I assembled two commander figures, but the first (left) looked a little too ‘come and ‘ave a go if you think you’re ‘ard enough’, so I assembled another which looked the part for the headlong charge.
The mud brick houses are beginning to shape up, but there is still a bit of finessing to do.

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