04 July 2020

First of the Jack Tars

One would imagine that I would have had plenty of time to indulge my hobby over the past weeks of the UK lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic. Luckily I have been gainfully employed with another enterprise, which has left time but precious little energy for my Soudan adventure.

Nevertheless, this week I got around to preparing the first of my Naval Brigade figures for painting. Unfortunately eight of the figures have some casting issues, and I am awaiting a response from Perry Miniatures regarding a remedy. Meanwhile I got on with the remaining six and one other carrying an ammunition box.

Edit 06 July 2020: I received a very helpful email from Alan Perry, and I will be returning the miscast figures for replacement.

The first of the Naval Brigade detachments. The fellow on the left is carrying a box of ammunition, and I added a Martini-Henry rifle, with a sling made of tin foil, to the figure on the right in the second row. I must get on and finish the first of the Beja riflemen.

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