05 July 2020

More Naval Brigade: more problems

I thought to prepare the Gatling gun and crew while waiting on a response from Perry Miniatures regarding the casting issues I related in the previous post. Unfortunately the the gun is rather disappointing, compared to the promise of the item on the web site; the detail is soft, poorly defined, and the barrels were twisted.

I passed my thoughts about this on to the Perry twins and pressed on with the modelling work. I had planned to add some minor detailing to the chassis, but ended up doing much more work because in correcting the twisted barrels I deformed the top of the Broadwell drum magazine. I had to remove the damaged top and fashion a replacement from Plastikard.

Edit 06 July 2020: I received a very helpful email from Alan Perry, and I have been offered a replacement for this model.

The corrected barrels and restored Broadwell magazine. I need to improve the handle on the top of the magazine, which is too thick.

The Gatling gun with crew and stacked rifles.

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