18 April 2020

The first Beja

The Beja are trickier to paint than I imagined they would be. The metal castings are intricate, and the plastic mouldings are almost as good, varied poses with lots of detail and great facial expressions.

I looked at this page for guidance on skin tones:
Link: Cool Mini or Not

Black Brown seems to make for a good base. Lightening the Chocolate Brown by adding a little US Tan Earth works for subtly defining muscular surfaces. I plan to matt varnish the figures and then applied a satin varnish to the areas of flesh.

There is a temptation to overdo the eyes; anything too white will stand out too much at this scale, and eyes are often in the shadow of the brow. In any case, I want to avoid the startled look one often sees in miniatures this size.

I am beginning to get a feel for the figures, to learn their contours and details. It’s the beginning of something.

Fred Burnaby preparing to take on the first Beja … getting my eye in.

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