06 December 2020

Coming apart at the seams

I was keen to see how Renedra’s little mud brick house would shape up. Firstly it’s not so little; secondly it’s not so easy to assemble.

The instructions on the back of the box suggest assembling the model upside down, walls first, then dropping the roof in at an angle, clicking it in to place. I made a dry fit of the parts and concluded a better approach would be to fit the walls together around the roof. Using liquid plastic cement this proved practical, allowing a little movement to achieve the best fit.

I am left wondering what was going on at Renedra when they assembled the test mouldings for this kit. The fit of the parts is not great. In fact the external staircase and small wall take no account of the undulations in the surfaces they are to attach to. This was disappointing in the light of my experience of their mouldings for Perry Miniatures. Nothing so bad that a little (or a lot of) filler cannot remedy. I also used some household filler to fill and match the texture of the moulded parts.

The roof is a slightly loose fit …
as are some of the walls …
remedied by a combination of ProCreate and Polyfilla. (I haven’t glued the stairs or small wall to the main structure yet.)

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